National Teen Book Club
for Your Students
I am a...
School Staff
Your first name
Your surname
Your school name
School Postcode
Your email address (which we will use to email you the link to join for the session)
Session Registration
Please select a session
(to register for more sessions, click the 'Add another response' button below)
Event Description
How many students (approx.) will be joining you for the session?
Age range of students attending
What questions would your students like to ask during the Q&A session? Don't worry if your group hasn't thought of any yet—you can submit questions on the day through our moderated Q&A function!
I understand that the National Teen Book Club is for UK state schools, colleges and students only.
By ticking this box, I am confirming that this applies to my group.
I agree to receive communications with opportunities like work experience, inspiring talks and more from Speakers for Schools
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Thank you for registering for National Teen Book Club (NTBC). We will be in touch the day before with the link to join the session.
As you have signed up to NTBC, Speakers for Schools will use your information to automatically enter you into a competition where you could win 15 free Young Adult books for your school. If you win we will share your name and school with Peters (supporting the competition) for your prize to be delivered. If you do not wish to be entered into the competition please let us know by contacting
. Further details about the competition can be found
Please contact us if you have any queries regarding the use of your information or our services at
Alternatively, please see our
privacy notice.
Visit our book club page
Contact Information